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Easy Feet Podiatry - the leading provider of foot care for the NDIS on the Gold Coast

NDIS in Queensland

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) will progressively roll out across Queensland over a three year period.

From 1 July 2016, the NDIS will roll out across the rest of Queensland geographically.

Gold Coast and Hinterland

The NDIS will become available in the Gold Coast and Hinterland from 1 July 2018. This covers the local government area of Gold Coast City. A person may meet the access requirements to become a participant of the NDIS up to 6 months prior to this date.

This information has been taken from the NDIS website.  For more information on the National Disability Insurance Scheme in QLD - visit

Podiatrist Bundall


Am I eligible for Podiatry services through the NDIS?

Eligible participants will have access to podiatry services - either in home or at a clinic - depending on the participants funding plan. 

There are five ways that funding plans can be managed.

  1. Agency Managed – this is where the providers claim directly from the NDIA.

  2. Plan Manager – funding in your plan is allocated for a third party to manage the financial transactions in your plan.

  3. Self Managed – you (or your nominee) directly manage the funds; all transactions are completed by the participant for services rendered.

  4. Automated Payments (transport only) – these funds can be deposited into an NDIS bank account weekly, fortnightly or monthly.

  5. Combination – a combination of the above four options can be used together to meet your individual needs.

If you are eligible for podiatry services through the NDIS and want to know how to arrange podiatry services with Easy Feet - follow the link below that represents your funding plan.





If you aren't eligible for Podiatry services through the NDIS, Easy Feet can arrange services as a private patient. 


Easy Feet Podiatry recommends using a Plan Manager.  

Holisitic Nursing Solutions provides unique nurse led 'specialised' consultations to facilitate continuity of care and an integrated approach to client centered care within the community. Visit their website at

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