Not sure how podiatry services are billed?
Our payment structure below can help.
Speak with our lovely receptionist if you're still unsure.
NDIS patient please contact the clinic directly.
If your GP has issued you an CDM/EPC Plan, then you may be entitled to a Medicare rebate for Podiatry Services.
Your GP will be required to fax/email through your referral, medical history, TCA before you make your appointment with us.
On the day, bring your Medicare card and your EFTPOS card.
Payment is required in full but we will process the Medicare rebate on the spot for you. If you do not have an EFTPOS card, we will give you a receipt so you can claim from Medicare at a later time.
Depending on the type of card you have (GOLD or White), you may be entitled to podiatry services covered by the Department of Veterans' Affairs.
Visit your GP to discuss your options and get a referral, treatment cannot occur without a valid referral.
On the day of your visit, make sure you bring your referral, any documentation from your GP and your DVA card with you.
As a private patient,
consults and treatments
may be claimable through private health insurers.
Your type of cover and choice of insurer will determine if and how much will be claimable.
Rebates from your PHI can be claimed on the spot through our HICAPS terminal and you only pay the gap.
Payment in full is required on the day of treatment.
*No referral required
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